Send an email notification to the manager and manager should assign the task to the users

  • 13 March 2019
  • 1 reply

Badge +5

Dear All,


I have to create a workflow to send a email notification to the manager on submitting the request, once email sent to the manager, manager should assign the task to the users. How can achieve this? Please guide me.

1 reply

Badge +17

The easiest way is to use the following actions:

  • On item, send assign task to manager. 
  • On task form, add a people picker control to collect person the task should be assigned to.
  • This should push that information back to the task list
  • Use the query list to grab and store that value of the people picker into a workflow variable 
  • Reference that value in a new assign task to the person who needs the task. 


Of course it will take some tinkering but that is the general flow of it.
