Method not found in external dll

  • 8 April 2009
  • 1 reply
  • 1 view



Can anyone on the community help?

I've got a K2 Activity containing three events:

UpdateProcessPollingSerialNo (server event)

Customer Data Collection (client event)

SetActionResult (server event)

When the Activity executes and an entry is made in the Error Logs that's caused by the first server event UpdateProcessPollingSerialNo


XXXX.K2.CSandA.WorkflowsWorkflow.CSandAMain UpdateProcessPollingSerialNo Method not found: 'Void XXXX.K2.CSandA.Workflows.BusinessLogic.ServerEvents.ServerEventHelper.UpdateProcessPollingSerialNo(Int32, Int32, System.String, System.String)'. 4/8/2009


Why is this method not found by the calling server event, when another server event (SetActionResult) in the same Activity can call and execute the method it requires from the same assembly?

Code extracts from the two server events:

Code from  UpdateProcessPollingSerialNo.cs

 public void Main(Project_4bb86b69b939408b94cd22fa8c437ef5.EventItemContext_5d9e8a27c30a48129f41719249b0b3f2 K2)

Code from SetActionResult.cs

public void Main(Project_4bb86b69b939408b94cd22fa8c437ef5.EventItemContext_064456dc527f4fc3a2bde44adf1104ae K2)
            ServerEventHelper.SetActionResultProcessDataField(K2.ActivityInstanceDestination, K2.ProcessInstance, K2DataFields.SalesSupportActionResult);


Anyone got any ideas?  The application is using SharePoint and ASP.NET

Many thanks


1 reply

Badge +11

What happens if you build a simple console app to call that method?

From what I can infer here, your UpdateProcessPollingSerialNumber method should be public static void--you might want to check.

I'm afraid to ask what you are attempting to do, so I won't.
