First response applies Not Working

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Hi All!

I have a super simple workflow, one manual task that I'm hard coding 3 users as the assignees and have selected First Response Applies. If I run this flow and complete as user 1 - user 1's workflow task shows Status Completed and Outcome Continue.  users 2 and 3 though still show status Not Started when I believe it should show Status Completed and Outcome Not Required.


Am I missing a setting here or what?




5 replies

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This continues to be a major issue.  From the inline user help, it says First Response Required should set the Outcome of the other tasks to Not Required. This is not happening - what can i query on the non-required tasks to know that their sister task has completed?

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Thanks for the response Alex. I am looking at the Workflow Items list,

which is the task list.

In one of my environments, when person C completes, person A and B's tasks

in the Workflow Items list show a Status of Completed. In my other

environments, person A and B's tasks in Workflow Items seem to have no

indication that person C has completed the task.

The issue here is that I have built an inbox that queries the workflow

tasks list for tasks with Status = Not Started that are assigned to the

current user. In my current prod environment, that works great. We're

trying to migrate to a new Share Point site collection and in that

environment, my inbox for person A and B are still showing the tasks that

person C has completed, so I basically need a way to exclude those items

based on a query-able field. Any suggestions?

On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 3:44 AM, <

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FWIW: I was able to discover a different between my 'working' environment and not working environment.  Where Nintex sets all to Completed, the 'working' environment, is version Where Nintex does not is  Are there release notes for these point releases that might point out this feature change or bug?

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Assuming these are all that's available:

Nintex Workflow 2010 - Release Notes

I don't see any mention in change of behavior between the two versions

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Answering my own question: Adding 'Nintex Workflow Multi Outcome' content type to the Workflow Items list makes the system behave as desired.
