unauthorized 401 error while using SharePointGroupsService service

  • 27 August 2014
  • 5 replies

Badge +3


I receive "The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized" error when trying to to use SO to SharePointGroupsService.

and this is the log error: 


"1248818","2014-08-27 16:56:19","Error","SmartObjects","10702","Error","SourceCode.SmartObjects.ServiceBroker [ExecuteSmartObject]","10702 Retrying the SharePointGroupsService service instance as the K2 service account did not resolve the issue. The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.","anonymous","","dlx:C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","1248818","895a3ee0982c426b80878c51c3865545",""
"1248992","2014-08-27 23:29:39","Error","IdentityService","64007","IdentityServiceError","IdentityService.ResolveExpiredItems","64007 Thread was being aborted.","","","dlx:C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","1248992","57e61dcf49894ba98b741de182106b06",""


please advice. 



Thank you,


5 replies

Badge +9

Does the service account have the necessary rights on SharePoint? 



Badge +3

After making k2 service account as site collection admin, now I'm receiving this error "An Activity with a client event should at least have one destination" while sharepoint group already have members!!


Thank you, 


Badge +3

The solution is to select SP group from: Groups / K2.

Badge +6

Hi Mostafa,


Firstly, please would tell me how your destination rules are setup? Secondly is the option "Resolve all groups to users " checked?


Kind regards,


Badge +3

Dear Yannick, 


it's All at once/ and resolve all rules and groups to users is checked.

But now when I used Groups/K2/mySPGroup or Groups/SP/mySPGroup I'm getting the list of users, but when those users are updated in the SP group, i didn't receive the new list of users for newly created processes.



Thank you,


