Open with Explorer

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I have a document library where attachments sit waiting to be processed. Once processed a column called "status" is updated to "completed". This has allow me to create two views of the library to show items with a status of completed and another view to show items without a status and therefore outstanding.

The open in explorer view is used to find and open the relevant attachment, however as it shows all the items it can be trickery to find. What I need is the explorer only showing the outstanding items.

Is there a way to achieve this?

4 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +12

Not by using metadata as Explorer View doesn't care about it. You could have folders for both types of documents but it will not result in a very user friendly solution as it would make movements between the folders necessary.

Userlevel 3
Badge +9

Why do you use the Explorer view to find documents?  Is there an issue with finding them in SharePoint?

Badge +10

You can use Enrico Knapp idea to have the documents in folders. On top of that you can use workflow to move the documents to the completed folder once the status change to completed.

Badge +8

Hi Sojan How would you set up a workflow to move the documents to the completed folder?
