64005 Failed to resolve 'K2:XYZABC': The specified account does not exist. Resolving User:XYZABC.

  • 27 February 2015
  • 2 replies


I am seeing multiple repeating errors on all K2 nodes. There was no user account added or deleted lately.


64005 Failed to resolve 'K2:XYZABC': The specified account does not exist. Resolving User:XYZABC.


Can anyone please suggest a fix for this

2 replies

Badge +5

Hi deep0213,


I would advise you to log a support ticket to get this issue resolved, this is because the resolution to this issue may involve direct modification of the K2 DB.


K2 DB can only be done under support supervision. However, this issue may be resolved by forcing refresh of Identity service using the below sql script.


UPDATE [K2HostServer].[Identity].[Identity]

SET [ExpireOn] = GETDATE()

,[Resolved] = 0

,[ContainersResolved] = 0

,[ContainersExpireOn] = GETDATE()

,[MembersResolved] = 0

,[MembersExpireOn] = GETDATE()




Replace "K2HostServer" with your main K2 database.


Note. Any other errors or issues that may come up as a result of K2 DB manual modification without support supervision will not be supported by K2.


Best regards,


Badge +5

Hi Deep1213


I have seen this behaviour before and was caused by the management page.


This has been address in Fix Packs. The best would be to install the K2 4.7 March 2018 CU as the fixes for this was included.


If this issue is not resolved with the CU, it might be worthwhile to log a support ticket with K2 Support. They could then assist in addressing this issue as in the long run this could cause performance issues and unwanted behaviour.


If memory serves this was resolved in 4.7 Nov CU Fix pack 7
