CMS Integration - Console Questions

  • 18 May 2005
  • 1 reply

Badge +1
Hi there, couple questions regarding the K2 CMS Console:

Is it possible and are there best practices to integrating the console with an existing site. We already have an extensive solution and are going to be adding new Workflow to the 2nd phase. Our current console is already fairly extended, so we'd like to incorporate features of the K2 where necessary. Documentation on this is sparse.

Also, does the K2 console prevent actions that are out of the workflow? I.e. if a posting is set to be worked on by user A, and user B goes to said posting and opens the console, will the 'Edit' command be unavailable to them.

1 reply

Badge +9
Hi Rob,

Is it possible and are there best practices to integrating the console with an existing site.


We already have an extensive solution and are going to be adding new Workflow to the 2nd phase.

You can replace the CMS console controls with Controls, they will behave the same as the CMS controls when the posting doesn't participate in a process.

Also, does the K2 console prevent actions that are out of the workflow?

yes, actions like if you send the posting for authoring, the delete and approve buttons are hidden. As well as when the CMS out-of-the-box- controls are unavailable E.G. the user doesn't have edit permissions or cannot approve the posting, The Approve action will be hidden, only after the CMS controls are available, the workflow conditions are evaluated.

Renier PS: Mail me if you have any further questions
