Condition: field contains this or this or this or this

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Hi all,

I'd like to get a workflow to work but I can't figure out how.

I have a giant list of codes. This code is always in a field, along with a lot of other codes.

For instance the field would say: location|00201; building|0301

There are thousands of buildings devided into 5 groups.

So i have a list of which buildingcodes belong to which group.

I want the condition be like.

Does the field contain any of the following values:







Then fill this other field with the following: group 1

If not then go on to the next (which will be 4 more untill the group is filled)

I hope i explained myself right. I can not fill all values in my hand with the OR funtion, because it's thousands.

2 replies

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Maybe I need to do it another way.

I need to extract the building|0201 part out of the content in the field and put it in a variable.

And then i can use a list to look up where it belongs to.

The problems is that the field contains a lot of stuff but ALWAYS contains "building|" and behind it 4 numbers.

I just need to extract building|**** and then i can use it. But i don't know how i could do that.

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Nevermind I've got it working extracting the number using:

