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Is there a way of unlocking a workflow created by someone else? This person is on leave and an issue cropped up that requires urgent fixing. Can a server admin employee unlcok this or is it only the creator that can unlock it?

Here's how you resolve it:


  1. Open SQL Management Studio and connect to your K2 database.
  2. Run the following query to identify locked processes:

SELECT * FROM Designer]..ProcessSharingDetail] WHERE Locked = 1;


3.  Once you identify the process that's locked (it should be locked by the user that is out of the office), note the ID or IDs of the locked processes.

4.  Run the following query, filling in the ProcessId of the locked process, for each process that is locked:


UPDATE DDesigner].nProcessSharingDetail] SET Locked = 0 WHERE ProcessId = <processIdThatIsLocked>;
