How to edit a Flexi Task form field

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I need to make an edit to a Flexi Task Approval Form.  I can open the form from the "Edit Task Form" and it has a radio button option for Approve, Reject, and Request Changes.  The problem is there I text associated with Approve that I need to update, but it is Read-Only.  Any suggestions on how to edit the text?



2 replies

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Could you please explain with the screen shot. Usually the whole form is editable.

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This control is Read-Only, I thought I would be able to see the text, but when I went into control's properties the text was not there, so I ended up re-entering the text the "Text" field and it worked.  Just curious as to why original it was not there even though it was on the form, but I was able to add the text without it being duplicated.

This is resolved.
