SmartObject Not found on VS

  • 15 December 2014
  • 2 replies
  • 1 view

Badge +3

Hi All!


I am trying to redeploy a process using Visual Studio, and I am getting the below error:


SmartObject [4550df76-e775-48cf-b4d6-2ebfb8830226] could not be found.


Although I have not changed anything in the process after downlaoding it from the K2 workspace. I searched the DB for the GUID above, and it is for CMW_Branches_List


The Smart Object already available and working fine, using the SmartObject tester.


Any feedback will be highly appreciated.


Thank you.


2 replies

Badge +2

Hi please try the following - suggested by a KB:


Perform the following steps:

1.Back up the SmartObject using SmartObject Service Tester tool in Prod as an sodx file just in case we need to restore it back.
-Right click the SmartObject and select To Sodx.

2.Delete this SmartObject in Target environment

3.Export and import this SmartOject from Source to Target via K2 Site Settings.

4.Remove and re-add SmartObject event in the process/workspace.

5.Redeploy this process in target environment.

Badge +3

Hi there!


I can't delete teh samrt object. It says something like "... transaction has aborted...source: sourcecode.smartobjects.managament"
