SharePoint Permission's group as a Usertable

Badge +2

Is it possible to set up a sharepoint permissions group as a usertable in a sharepoint list, so that only member of that specific group can view items entered by other people in that specific sharepoint permissions group? (hopefully that made sense)

I was thinking of somehow building a nintex workflow to query the list based on a defined field, and somehow query the sharepoint user group to associate the two.


SharePoint User permission Group 1 = "Toronto Employees"

Members - Tom, John, Steve

SharePoint User permission Group  2 = "New York Employees"

Members - Chris, Bob, Rick

One of the questions on the firm/list would be, Which city are you from? (possible answers would be Toronto, or New York).  at that point, once a form has been submitted, I would only want Toronto Employees to see what other Toronto Employees have answered, and New York Employees, to see what other new York employees have answered.


3 replies

Badge +16

have you looked at set item permissions action?

you could use this in conjunction with a "set a condition" action where you could say was city = Toronto?

- if yes, set item permissions Toronto employees

- if no, set item permissions New York employees?

Badge +2

ived tried that.  my problem is, I cant figure out how on how to reference the user group or link it?

Badge +7


You can just create a single line of text workflow variable and set it to the display name of the group, then you can use that in the Set item permissions action.


