Regarding Nintex Assure Sign

I have a Document in that i need to add the Single JotBlock at multiple places. If i add that JotBlock at multiple places the signature was shown at single place only in the generated Document.
What is the reason behind it?  The configuration for the JotBlock as shown below.

 {{!##{Name:"JotBlock 1"}##!}}


2 replies

Userlevel 1
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In order to have multiple signature blocks to appear, you will need to add more signature blocks on the template. For example, if you have 3 signatures needed on the document, you will need to have 3 jotblocks placed in your AssureSign template.


Hope this helps.

Thanks for your Response
I generated the document dynamically. It means if salesforce record have more data then the number pages will be increased for the PDF. So, My requirement is i need to configure the signature in the document footer for every page. I need to place the same signature at multiple places.

Thanks & Regards
Kishore Devalla
