Hi, in your query list action you have choose "Single output", so, in result you have an collection of dictionary. If you you choose "Separate output per column", in result, you will have 1 collection per field.
To extract values of your collection of dictionary, you need to use the action "Get item from a dictionary".
In Dictionary parameter, set you collection (result of the query list)
In item name or path, set : 0/COLUMNA
In the output, set : VarA
and do the same for each of you field.
This example is just to get the first value of the result of you query.
If your query return several items, you can use a foreach to iterate throw all the dictionary in your collection.
For you understanding :
{"COLUMNA":"VALUEA","COLUMNB":"VALUEB","COLUMNC":"VALUEC"} => this is a dictionary
[{"COLUMNA":"VALUEA","COLUMNB":"VALUEB","COLUMNC":"VALUEC"}] => this is a collection of one dictionnary
[{"COLUMNA":"VALUEA","COLUMNB":"VALUEB","COLUMNC":"VALUEC"},{"COLUMNA":"VALUEA","COLUMNB":"VALUEB","COLUMNC":"VALUEC"}] => this is a collection of two dictionnaries
If you use "Get item from a dictionnary" action on a collection, to get a value, you need to use a path like : 0/COLUMNA (to get the value of COLUMNA of the dictionnary store at index 0 of the collection. If you use 1/COLUMNA, you will get the value of COLUMNA of the dictionnary store at index 1.)
If you use "Get item from a dictionary" action on a dictionary, you can simply use COLUMNA in the path of the action.
Thanks :)
Silly me, should have set to Collection output instead of Dictionary, makes things a lot easier!
It depends, personally I prefer using dictionary (you just use 1 collection of all the result and not X collection for each column)