How to populate specific list view rows based on a conditional logic.

  • 24 December 2015
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Unable to conditionally populate rows in an editable list view.


Possible with 'For Each', 'Advanced Condition', and 'Transfer Data' rules.


[Example] Adding the value 'None' to empty list view columns:

In the initialize rule of the List View, after the Get List and populate methods, add the following:

for All rows
if an advanced condition is true
then edit the selected row on the editable list
then transfer data (configure)
then apply the changes made to the row on the editable list

The advanced condition should check if your field 'is empty' (currently only works when using this with non-numeric data types). The transfer data step transfers the text 'None' into the SmartObject reference field that you are checking (not any of the controls of display fields).

Upon page load, after the SmartObject values are filled in, all empty values in that row will be 'None'. Note that they won't transfer that data to the SmartObject until someone hits save.


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