Creating Application through K2 Blackpearl for Sharepoint App

  • 26 February 2018
  • 2 replies



We are using K2 blackpearl for Sharepoint app for creating an application. I created a content type in shrepoint and used app to create smartobjects and forms. Apllication created a lot of smartobejects with methods, views and forms. I am creating new views according to our need and use these views on forms.
Since I am not using all of the smartobject and views created by K2 blackpearl for Sharepoint app. Can I delete those smartobjects and views? Will it have any impact on form? My concern is all the unneeded views and smartobject with method will increase form loading time.




2 replies

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You would need to remove any references of the smartobjects and views on your forms and workflows before proceeding to delete them.

Thank you!!
