Active directory groups - destination rule

  • 3 August 2007
  • 3 replies

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i am new to K2 and i'm trying to set up my first workflow. I would like to use active directory groups in my destination rules. So i select a group and use drag&drop to put it in a new destination. Then, instead of having a group in my destination, a list of the members of that group appears. I am not sure what is going to happen when i change the members of my group, is the list in K2 going to be updated? or is there another way to use active directory group?


Thank you for your help 

3 replies

Badge +5

Hi Malkir,

The good news is even though new to K2 your not doing anthying wrong. When you use AD Groups directly in the destination rule K2 always resolves the group to their respective users.  What you'll need to do is create a DestinationQueue and place your AD users, groups or OU's i(you can mix them) n the queue.  Now in your destination rule just point to your queue.  The benefit here is you can move, add or delete users from your ad groups and your queues will always resolve correctly at run time.  You might just check the help file for information on other options around destination queues.

Let me know if you need any other information on this.


Userlevel 1
Badge +8

Another note on Destination Queues, they automatically refresh at certain intervals, so any changes to AD group membership you make in AD will be picked up by the queue at the next refresh. Destination Queue refresh rates can be set in Service Manager.

 - scott

Badge +3


destination queues is exactly what i was looking for! Thank you for your help.
