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Hello all, I have a form with a repeating table with 4 fields in it. An assignment, a people picker, a date picker and a check box. These fields are used to show if an assignment has been completed or not. So we have the assignment, the person assigned to the task, the due date and the check box. Imagine that there are 50 forms with 10 assignments in each repeating table.

I would like to run a scheduled site workflow that will look at each form and save those fields to collections & then if the check box is empty & the due date is past send an email.

Can anyone share on this? Should I start with a query list, save the form title to a collection then do a for-each on it with a query xml inside the for-each to read the repeating table data via the index?




I'd use Query List and store the IDs in a collection then loop round it and re-read each list item by ID using Query List and then parse the repeating section on each item.

This article should help with the parsing logic,


Thank you! I will give that idea a try today or tomorrow.



I hope you don’t mind having a look at this: here’s the wf, I am not doing any parsing yet.

The first query list gives me two iD’s stored in the collection called CollectionID: record id’s 2 & 3 which is correct as I only have 2 forms, and deleted the first one.

Then I do the second query with a filter that the ID must equal CollectionID… this may be where my error is at as I get no results from the for-each

Here is the final piece, the for-each, thanks Steve

you do not have it designed in a proper way.

once you get list item IDs with 1st query saved into collection, you have to start loop to iterate through this collection.

in for each loop action configure to store current item ID to a variable.

then within the loop perform 2nd query with condition list item ID = var with current ID within the loop. let the query return a field holding your repeating section content.

finally parse that content with query XML action.

Thank You! I do have it working now by doing the looping.
