SiteCollection with duplicated workflows in Workflow Gallery

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I have a SiteCollection where in the NintexWorkflowGallery nearly all workflows (~50 workflows) are duplicated (some workflows has 3 versions). All duplicates have the same WorkflowId. When i remove one of the copie, all copies and the original will be removed. When i restore an workflow with the same name from a backup, all 3 copies are back. The copies was probably create on an backup/restore from the nintex database.

Is there a way to remove the copies without delete everything and restore with new names?

2 replies

Badge +2

Hello Derby, 


If you go to http://<site>/Nintexworkflows ( this is the hidden workflow library) Do you see workflows duplicating her? 


If not you can run the attached script to rebuld the dbo.workflows table and see if that fixes the issue. 


Worked perfectly. Thanks
