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XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://mydev–…. Response to preflight request doesn’t pass access control check: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. Origin ‘https://mydev–devws1–’ is therefore not allowed access.

Need help on this? If someone has faced the similar issue.

Hello Aishwarya,

Can you provide any more specific information? Unfortunately, what you’re describing isn’t enough to provide a solution to. I need to understand the problem to attempt to come up with a solution.
Are you having trouble connecting two pages within the same org? Why are you expecting to see and why are you expecting to see it?

I run into same with APEX rest resource called from.snippet. Using sessionId as bearer and access-control-allow-origin *. Sandbox instance white listed, white listed. If better as separate question just letme know. Thanks for all you do.

Actually there is a Template on my skuid page in which I am adding some values in a picklist using the visualforce page. If you view the attach image , there is an error on the line no 23.
