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  • Starting with the Spring ’22 release, the International Components for Unicode (ICU) locale formats will be required in Salesforce.

  • We noticed you haven’t adopted the new ICU formats yet.

  • Adopting ICU ensures consistent patterns and formats for all locale data, for example, date-time and currency formats.

You’re currently using Oracle’s Java Development Kit (JDK) locale formats. In the Spring ’22 release, International Components for Unicode (ICU) locale formats replace the JDK locale formats in Salesforce. ICU is the international standard format for dates and times.

The new formats provide a consistent experience across the Salesforce platform and improve integration with ICU-compliant applications across the globe. To carry out your global business functions, adopt the International Components for Unicode (ICU) locale formats as soon as possible.

Because this change affects date, time, number, and currency formats, we encourage you to adopt the ICU locale formats before they’re enforced in Spring ’22. To do so, seeHow to Adopt the New Locale formats

  • and do the following:

    Evaluate the impact of these changes to your Salesforce org

Adopt the latest API version
Test your filters, Apex Code, Aura components, installed packages, and third-party integrations in a sandbox
Enable the new locales in production

For more information, see the Spring ’21 Release Note,Enable ICU Locale Formats (Previously Released Update), andGo Global with New International Locale Formatsin Salesforce Help.

We got this email too. And are scratching our head a bit. We will certainly investigate more deeply, but we don’t think this will affect Skuid in any way. Will report back here…

@Rob_Hatch Any updates?

The updated date for this requirement is Spring '24 Release. @Rob_Hatch can you confirm or clarify if Skuid is compliant?

Hola! There are many Skuid components that are less than API Vers 45
