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Working on a certain page, and it’s very laggy

Looking into console I see this new error:

Visualforce Remoting Exception: Remoting response size exceeded maximum of 15 Mb

Any ideas of what could cause that?



This link may be helpful:


Hi Karen,

And thank you for your answer.

But looking at this skuid page I do not see any reason for this to happen. It’s not such a complex page.

Now i’m seeing different errors in console for same page, and from i can see on other posts it could be a problem within skuid:

fails because the request size is more than a million bytes. With this other customer we realized that there was a skuid problem that was doubling the http traffic

Willing to grant login access if it will help to get to the bottom of this



Are you trying to query something that exceeds the Salesforce size limits (e.g. the body of a large static resource)? 

What version of Skuid are you running? The error you are seeing should have been fixed in recent releases … Can you upgrade to the most current release here? Do you still get this error? 

If your answers were no and yes to the above questions, please grant Skuid login rights and then send the following:

  • your org ID

  • the name of the Skuid page you see this occur on

  • steps to reproduce this error 


Hi Karen,

No I’m not running any large static resource
And I’m on the latest version of Skuid (8.13)

Login has been granted and Email has been sent

Thank you

Hey Karen, any news on that issue? I never heard back from you or anyone else regarding this matter


Have you tried the recommendations on these pages: 

If the above don’t help
  • I’m also trying to find out how the other issue you linked to was resolved to see if it’ll work for your situation.

  • Can you paste the XML of your page?


Hi Karen,

None of those help as I’ve been through them already and my use case does not return so may records…

I have other pages way more complex and returning a lot moe data than this 1, and never had issue like that

I’ll paste the xml, but as it’s a custom object, may not be very helpful

Last week i sent email with information to login my org, and just renewed for another day the login access in case simpler for you guys to come see directly the issue

Here’s xml:

