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We are currently unable to create users or access Skuid settings in our salesforce org. We are receiving the below error. 

Could not locate metadata file: StandardEinsteinActivityCapturePsl-1.uld.xml. 

Tried upgrading to latest version of Skuid and the install failed. Same error…

Are you able to see any Skuid pages?

How are you trying to access Skuid settings?

Also, what is your SF instance and Patch?

I just got word that this is a Salesforce issue around permission sets. New users in our org get the “Skuid Page Viewer” permission set by default and that code is causing this to fail (while referencing Skuid in the error). 

We are unable to access permission sets and get a “Salesforce has been notified” error when we attempt to do so. 


We have a case open with Salesforce about this issue and they told us it is related to this known issue. Please Me Too that KI for status updates. We will also keep the community updated about resolution of this issue.  

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! 

Subscribed! Thank you! 

Salesforce has shared the Known Issue Link for the concern. I would suggest you to click on this Issue Affects me for your ref.

The issue pertains to Salesforce Case 


The known issue shows that most NA instances, AP instances, and sandboxes should no longer be experiencing this problem. Do you still see this problem or are you able to resume work as usual? 


The issue is now resolved. I am able to set up users and access Skuid related tabs! I will install the latest version of Skuid today to prevent future issues. Thank you! 

Glad to hear you’re back up and running, Artie. The known issue is now showing that this issue has been resolved for all Salesforce instances now. Please let us and Salesforce know if you are having problems with this! 

