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I have a wizard with 5 steps and when navigating to the 3rd step, I get the following error:

1. There is a problem with how this Skuid Wizard was built: we were not given either a step id or a URL to navigate to.

Can you please post what is needed to be done to resolve this issue. Thanks.

I’m guessing you have a “Next Step” button on Step 2, which is supposed to take you to Step 3. Click on that button, and take a look at the “Step Id” property, my guess is that there’s either no Step Id there, or that’s an invalid Step Id. Probably needs to be set to “step3” or whatever Id you’ve given to Step 3.

Yes I have  “Next Step” button on Step 2, which is supposed to take me to Step 3. 


Step Id is already set to step3

And I’m assuming that you do have a Step 3, whose Step Id is “step3” ?

What is the wizard step button’s type? Is it “Navigate”?

Yes have a Step 3 whose Step id is step3. Action Type is Navigate

I remove the step and now have whole wizard a 3 step process and it is working.
