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Will the tfg components still work with Brooklyn.  Are there any know issues?

Hi Bill - I did some basic testing the other day with Brooklyn and all worked as expected.  Let me know if you find any issues.

Thank you

Hi Barry … we have used your TFG Component (thanks for what is an awesome add on) but the last two versions of Milau seem to be causing us problems. We cant get the static resource to be recognised at all. Have you found this also?

Hi David -

Sorry to hear that you are having trouble.  I haven’t tested in Milau but can try to do so.  In the meantime, can you provide more specifics on “can’t get the static resource to be recognized?”  Are you unable to upload the static resource at all?  Are you able to upload it and the composer doesn’t see it properly?  Possibly the composer does but the page at run-time doesn’t load the controls?  Are there any errors in the browser console window?  The more details you can provide the better sense I can get of what might be causing the issue.  Thanks!

Hi David -

I just created a new DE org with latest build of Millau (11.0.4) and after following all the steps to install TFG and testing the demo page from, all appears to be working as expected.

I also noticed your post at, not sure if you’re referring to the same issue or different issue but assuming its the same issue, let’s continue using that thread instead of this one in order to not duplicate and since this thread is regarding Brooklyn.