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When a field editor is in ‘edit’ mode and contains an editable template field, “tabbing” in to the field results in having to dismiss the dialog (“done” or “X”) twice. What seems to be occurring is that two (2) dialogs are rendering since after dismissing the first, the 2nd one relocates to center of window.

On couple of related notes is that when the editor is in ‘edit’ mode, the template field gets the “mouse pointer” cursor indicating a single click will trigger an edit. However, it does not get the pencil icon. Also, something could be said that it should require a double-click to edit instead of single click since it really appears to be a “read with inline edit” field visually.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create new page using sample XML

  2. Preview any account

  3. Put focus on “Account Name” field

  4. Press tab key - This will popup the editor for Template Field

  5. Click “Done” or “X”

Actual Result

Dialog is redisplayed/repositioned

Expected Result

Dialog is dismissed

** Notes **

  1. I’m unable to repro the double dialog in Chrome but occurs every time in IE11. I have not tested other browsers other than those two.

  2. The pencil icon missing and single click trigger occur in Chrome & IE11.

  3. If before clicking “Done” you make a change to the account name inside of the popup, when clicking “done” the dialog is dismissed as expected. If you don’t change the field value, you get the 2nd popup.

Sample Page XML

<skuidpage unsavedchangeswarning="yes" tabtooverride="Account" showheader="true" showsidebar="true">   <models>
<model id="Account" sobject="Account" createrowifnonefound="false" query="true" limit="1">
<field id="Name" />
<field id="CreatedDate" />
<field id="OwnerId" />
<field id="Owner.Name" />
<field id="Owner.Alias" />
<condition type="param" value="id" enclosevalueinquotes="true" field="Id" operator="=" />
<actions />
<basicfieldeditor layout="" showheader="true" model="Account" mode="edit" showsavecancel="false" buttonposition="">
<column width="100%">
<section title="Basics" collapsible="no">
<field type="" id="Name" valuehalign="" />
<field type="COMBO" valuehalign="" editmodebehavior="custompopup">
<label>Template Field</label>
<editmodepopup title="Template Field" width="450">
<basicfieldeditor model="Account" mode="edit" showsavecancel="false">
<column width="100%">
<section title="">
<field id="Name" />
<labels />
<css />
<javascript />

Hello - Any updates on this one?  Thanks!

Knock Knock… Is anyone home?  

Sorry about letting this one slip through cracks.  We’ll take a look. 

No worries, thanks Rob!

This has been fixed in the dev and superbank patch orgs.  The fix will be available in the next patch release.

Awesome news, thanks Ben!

Just tested with 6.8.10 and confirmed this has been resolved.  Thank you!
