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I was struggling to find a way to conditionally render a button on a table row to take an action with context based on the field value of that specific table row or child object from a table row, and pass that context to the action taken.

It would appear that SKUID allows you (in the Editor UI) to have conditional rendering on elements in table rows based on “Row Property” but not row field value which is an unfortunate limitation. Additionally, if dealing with child objects for that row item, it looks like there’s not much directly in the UI to do if you want to have a conditional button that passes context on those.

I found a solution and wanted to share it here in case anyone is having this trouble as well.

To make this work I used a template field and inside the template field draw from a formula on the row (or child object) to conditionally render an edit button using an HTML link invoking inline javascript like this:

{{ConditionallyRenderMe__c}} (edit){{/ConditionallyRenderMe__c}}
I created an Action Sequence called "OurActionSequence" and set an input of "Passed_Id" with type Value. To refer to this passed ID in the action sequence, I used mustache notation: {{$Input.Passed_Id}}

Here's a simple XML page example of this working (example shows the row when previewed only, and is not populating child objects in the example because these are unsaved models)

{{Name}} = "Render Account"

Conditional Rendering of Action
{{#RenderMe}}<a href="javascript:skuid.actionSequences.getByName('OurActionSequence').run({'Passed_Id':'{{{Id}}}'});">(edit)</a>{{/RenderMe}}

{{Name}}{{#Birthdate}} {{Birthdate}} <a href="javascript:skuid.actionSequences.getByName('OurActionSequence').run({'Passed_Id':'{{{Id}}}'});">(edit)</a>{{/Birthdate}}

<p>Passed_Id: {{$Input.Passed_Id}}</p>
