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Is it possible to ‘pre-select’ an item in a list, so it displays as selected on page-load?
I’m making a console screen for campaigns with list on the left, and a page include on the right (like on the Skuid Skool “Battle of the compponents: Deck vs List vs Table - Level 2”
The initial page-include loads the model first row, and I’m looking to have the corresponding list-item be selected, as it will be when the user selects another one.
My expectation is it’s a line of JS, but as far as I can …

Yes, Please!!

Ideally it would have a companion feature in the List component.

Something like (not anywhere near real Skuid JS)

list.item[0].select = true

or list.selectItem(0) or list.selectRow(0)

Like this idea but on based on the component? Target Row by Index and Get Index from Row

This could get really tricky if there’s a repeating component. Such as components in a drawer or deck.