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Hello, On some pages with vertical tab container, i’m having weird issues. I understand the logic that if page is too small, the tab container would switch auto to an accordion

But seems to be happening on full size page with lots of space, and sometimes same page in a popup would appear properly…

Is there a way to fix this behavior or disable the auto accordion function?

Any ideas?

Hi Dave!

🤔 I did some digging in the component properties and the design system studio and it seems like there’s not a way to control the switch-to-accordion-width property (that I’ve found yet) but I’m checking with the team to get some more insight.

I agree, from what I’ve seen it seems like it’s switching to an accordion when the page is pretty wide. It may also be related to the width of the tab content.

The product team agreed the behavior is a bit weird and I’ve opened a ticket to investigate further. We’ll let you know what we discover

Thank you, pls get to me asap on it, as this is causing us lots of issues as we use often vertical nav

Will do, looks like it should be available in the next patch release under CORE-4916.

Amazing news, thank you so much


Hey Dave, just wanted to let you know that this has been fixed as of 16.1.9 and 15.3.22. 🥳

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