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After we upgraded all of our orgs to Millau, we noticed in the deployment status section that there were deployments with a Salesforce Id instead of a name that a developer/admin would create. After some investigation we determined that these were related to saving Skuid pages in the editor.

Some of these ‘deployments’ failed (failed due to administrator setup locked), and most have succeeded.

If this is indeed something that Skuid is doing, is this something that we should be concerned about?

Thanks for any information.

Do they start with sk and look something like sk-181-aks-1kjhakdfh? Or something to that effect? This is a temporary id and is nothing to be alarmed of. It goes away as soon as it’s saved.

I determined that it was because of page support files that were being generated when pages are saved. I turned it off because it was invalidating Salesforce deployments. We never saw this before we upgraded to Millau, which caused us to freak out a bit. 🙂

Thanks for the inquiry. And sorry for the confusion.

Hi John, How do you disable the support files being generated? We are experiencing the same issue with invalidation.

Hi John, How do you disable the support files being generated? We are experiencing the same issue with invalidation.

Skuid Central > Configure > Org Preferences > Uncheck “Generate Skuid page support files on page save.”