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Users are unable to approve account some records that have been submitted for approval. Though they are able to approve other records. If i switch their profile back to Salesforce classic, they are able to approve the records they couldn’t approve in Skuid (so i’m guessing their isn’t a problem with the account record. Note that for the records they are unable to approve in Skuid, they are able to reject the records in Skuid.

Why are they able to approve some account records in Skuid, but not others?

Here is the error message i receive when logged in as a user from the console output log in firefox

Visualforce Remoting Exception: Process failed. First exception on row 0; first error: UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION, java.lang.NullPointerException: {…}

​action: “skuid.RemotingStubs”

​data: Array > “{”“actionType”“:”“Approve”“,”“workItemId”“:”“04i1r00000CFqrZAAT”“,”“comments”“:null}” ]

​message: “Process failed. First exception on row 0; first error: UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION, java.lang.NullPointerException:

​method: “approvalsProcessWorkItem”

​ref: false

​result: null

​statusCode: 400

​tid: 4

​type: “exception”

​vfDbg: true

​vfTx: true

​where: “”

​: Object { constructor: f()

, status: false, type: “exception”, … }

error fire fireEvent onProviderData fire fireEvent onData handleResponse a g/gne]<

Is there anybody out there able to help with this problem, note that we don’t have this problem in our sandbox so it’s difficult to replicate.

Hi Glen, are you saying that approving these records in Lightning does not work, but in classic it does? You mentioned this is only the case for some records. Have you noticed any patterns with the records that you cannot approve (created by, created around a specific date, record type, etc. )? 

Hi Khamla

I’m saying that when I try to approve the record from our Skuid page (we’re not using lightning, sorry if i caused confusion), it does not work, however if i change the profile of the user so they can use the “Approve” button in classic, it does work.

The “created by” seems to show a pattern. There is one particular user whose approver hasn’t been able to approve any of his records. Though the approver has been able to approve records other users submitting records for approval.

I’ve compared the user record of the problem user to a user who’s had records approved. both users are on the same profile, have the same manager, no delegated approver, “Skuid page viewer” permission set, and Skuid as a managed package.

As far as I can tell, the created date, or approval date doesn’t seem to show any pattern. The record type is the same too. As previously mentioned, I find it strange that if i use the classic interface, I am able to approve the record.

Any other ideas on how I can help to debug this? 
