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I have skuid pages for accounts and contacts tabs which are working as expected for general salesforce apps. But when it comes to a salesforce console app my pages (both accounts and contacts) are not even loading on the page.

When i click the accounts tab on the console i am seeing the native salesforce console layout like the one below

But the when i open same tab in a regular salesforce app i can see my skuid page overriding the accounts and contacts tab like below.

The Visualforce page that had the following code on Account Tab.

showHeader=“false” sidebar=“false” readonly=“true” docType=“html-5.0” action=“{!IF(canUseSkuid,‘’,redirect)}” title=“{!$ObjectType.Account.labelPlural}”> I don’t understand where i am making a mistake. Can anyone help me with this issue? Thanks.


It looks like you are merging code from 2 different VF pages. Please see this tutorial… and let us know if you’re still having problems. 


Hey Karen,

I tried The way you mentioned above and that’s the way we use to override any Salesforce page with a skuid page. But, I don’t know why… It din’t work in this case. By overriding the tabs based on the above link, I still have the same issue (Tab working on a custom app but not on a console app).

This is VF Markup i used. Still no change.

I even tried the trouble shooting techniques mentioned in the above link But no luck. We don’t have any record types on Account sObject. So i skipped the page assignment part.


Please see this tutorial on using Skuid and the console. If that doesn’t help, please let us know. 
