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I am using an object having Time field and when i use that time field in Skuid it’s coming with UI.

After that i am trying to save the time field using javascript


var params = argumentst0],

$ = skuid.$;

var setupModel = skuid.model.getModel(‘SetupModel’);

setupModel .save({callback: function(result) {

setupModel .updateData();


Any idea what is wrong how to save it.

Adding more details

tried with skuid javascript model save method (using javascript snippet) and directly skuid model save [Using button action as Save model and select the model] and both cases it’s failing and throwing exception like

Hey @dsahoo !

To make sure I’m understanding your question correctly, you are trying to save the value in the Time field inside of a Skuid model?

I am having the same problem when using Skuid v1 pages.  The problem does not exist in Skuid v2 pages.  In Skuid v1, the time field is rendered as a text field.   When I save the record with the time field set to a value like “12:00”, the page shows that it is Saving but never comes back from the Save.  

In skuid v2, the time field is rendered with controls to change the hour, minute, and second.  Saving completes correctly.

Comparing the design systems for v1 and v2, v1 does not have any ability to configure a time field.  v2 does.

I have attached copies of my test Skuid pages that operate on a Test__c object that has one added field, Time__c.

Hi ​@dnadrop. For v1 you may need to create a custom field renderer to convert the text field into a time field.

Note that support for Time fields is available in Chicago Update 1 (14.3.6) and above.

Thank you, Anna.  I rethought my design and came up with the ability to use a DATETIME which is supported in V1.  I avoid the custom code if at all possible.
