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We’re experiencing irregular loading times with our mobile Home Page and I wanted to see what could be contributing to this. Our home page loads no data and only provides navigation buttons to things such as Opps, Contacts, Accounts, Etc.

When loading a brand new Salesforce1 instance, it takes a long time to load and some times just stays at a blank white screen for 5+ minutes. Since this is what happens to users on the 1st time they open the Salesforce1 App, I wanted to see if there was anything I could do to change this.

Selecting ‘Skuid Mobile’ from the left-hand navigation loads the home page much faster. So if I instruct users to select it from here, we have no issues loading the home page.

Couldn’t find much within the community topics on this so I just wanted to post this out and see if anyone had any ideas / suggestions. 


When it takes a long time to load, if you inspect the page, are there any JS errors? How many images are you loading? You say there is no data being loaded, so there are no models on this page? It sounds like it’s only on the first time users try to open the page or does it happen on subsequent loads as well? Do you have any 3rd party authorizations on the page? Any possibility of a slow internet connection?


I only noticed a few JS issues which I’ve attached a screenshot of. We’re not loading any images and only have a branding color setting in salesforce. There is no data being loaded so no models, only 4 buttons linking to our pages.

This only happens on first load for the Salesforce app. If you toggle between something like reports and then back to Skuid mobile, the loading is quite quick. But on the first load its a 7-10 second load with a significant amount of white screen time. The issue with first load is that asides from being long, some times it freezes at the white screen indefinitely. Only until the user switches from another app (reports) back to Skuid mobile does it load. Since we’re still in beta this isn’t a huge issue but i’d like to get the non-loading hashed away before releasing it to everyone.

No 3rd party authorizations and I’ve testing the loading from our Wi-Fi, LTE, and home Wi-Fi which is really fast. Same issues throughout.


Unfortunately, the issue is that on the first page load, you have to load the model metadata whether or not you are pulling actual model data. The downloading and caching of model metadata is what is slowing down the initial load but not subsequent loads. The only way to “fix” this is by reducing the size and complexity of the models in question.
