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I’m trying to follow the steps in the Docs for sites:

However, when I get to Step 4: Edit Public Access Settings for your new Site, the interface doesn’t look anything like what’s in the docs. The profile interface I’m getting is below. So, I can’t figure out how to assign a skuid license to the guest user.


Ah, I was able to get to the user through the “View Users” button, and I can assign the page viewer permission set, but I can’t assign a skuid license under managed packages? I’m on a developer edition.

Skuid doesn’t show up in the list of managed packages for the guest user:

I did a POC on this a long time ago, and remember having the same problem.  What I recall, is you have to modify your user through the Site itself.  So, go to your Site, click View Public Access Settings and you should be able to get to it from there.

If that isn’t it let me know. I have set up quite a few public sites before using skuid but it was some time ago. I will video the setup steps and send if needed

Thanks, Chandra and David. I was able to assign managed package licenses today. Not sure what I missed yesterday.

OK,  I’m completely lost here with the suggestions (though very appreciative of the help).  It’s frustrating that the documentation after 5 months (when this was first reported) still does not match what’s in the system. 

@ChandraV,  thanks for your help. I’m not sure I follow what  you were saying. I see what looks like a SKUID type of user for the site but not sure how I connect the object together (in my case a contact object).  Any help is appreciated.