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I am displaying a skuid detail page for cases successfully in the service console in a main tab. However, the name of the tab is not populated using the case number, but ‘External Page’.
Even if in the console app I change the case display to subtab, the subtab is named ‘External Page’.
In the visualforce container that is used as view-override, I am setting the title property as {!Case.CaseNumber}. The skuid page itself also uses a page title element.
Please advise.


Can you include screenshots of what you are seeing and what is on the builder? Specifically, what’s tin the tab nad the page title? 


Hi Karen, any news on the topic ?

No guarantee. We ran into a similar problem with another customer. Turns out they had “click Jack” settings turned on that did not allow loading of the skuid page into the console. They also got the External Page which was blank. Go to Setup -> Security Controls -> Session Settings –> Clickjack protection. Make sure the last two boxes ARE NOT checked.

I experienced this problem today as well and checked the Clickjack protection (see above), which was unmarked as Rob suggests.

I then found this article which provided this code for the Visualforce page, which fixed my problem:

<apex:includeScript value=“/support/console/20.0/integration.js”/>

I hope this helps.


Thanks for sharing how you fixed the problem!  Bernd, does this help fix your page?


Hi Karen, Michael,

this sounds very promising. I plan to check it on Friday. Thanks for your reply !



Hi Karen, Michael - again,

I just tested it right away - and: it works ! You see the page opening as 'External Page' and then immediately refreshing the title to the desired value.

Thank you

