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This site works as a dead view:

I am trying to send a confirmation text with a path that includes a record.

I thought this might work in the subject of a text.

It must be missing formatting.

This what I thought it would look like:

How should it be formatted?


I think your link is formatted correctly.  When I click the link with the record id, I get an authorization required page.  Check that your ‘Site User’ has at least ‘Read’ access to the object.



I actually gave it all access and could not view the record.


My miss!  You were right to question the format of the URL.

This worked for me->



Thank you Bill!

How did you determine it was “Marker?id” ? I have a second object called CR_Path__c I want to access, how do I determine its “id” name?


The normal way to ‘pass’ a parameter in a web application is to use a ‘?’ question mark followed by the parameter name, an equal sign, and the parameter value. This part is-> ‘?id=a2Xf10000000ZS1LEAW’.

I added the ‘/Marker’ to the URL since this is the ‘name’ of your Site in Salesforce. This is how you get to the pages in your Site. You enter the custom domain address for your Salesforce org. followed by the ‘/Marker’. In your case your custom Site address is and the full address to open your Skuid page and pass in the ‘id’ of the Salesforce record to load is->

Note that the parameter name can be anything. ‘id’ is used throughout Salesforce to represent the Salesforce Id for a given record. It could just as easily be ‘recordId’ or ‘mycustomboject’ or ‘ID’. It depends upon what your Skuid page is expecting. You will normally setup the name of the parameter in your Skuid model. Here is an example where the page parameter that the model will use is ‘id’.

I could change the Skuid model to use a parameter name ‘recordid’ (as below).

If you change your model to use ‘recordid’ as the paramter (as seen above), then your URL would be:

If your second object ‘CR_Path__c’ is on the same page, then I think you will need to modify the parameter name on the condition for the ‘CR_Path__c’ model. It is probably set to ‘id’. Change it to ‘crpathid’ (or whatever you want as long as it is not ‘id’). Then update your URL to include both parameters->



Thank you Bill