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Nintex Community Menu Bar

Created a mobile page with navigation within Salesforce1. When I click on the navigating link, the menu doesn’t disappear on itself until I click on the menu area. Clicking in the page doesn’t make the menu disappear either. Works on desktop but not in mobile. On 10.0.10 Any ideas how to resolve?


Can you share your XML here?

Here you go. thank you

{{Name}} IF(CONTAINS({{StageName}}, “Access”), “AC”, IF(CONTAINS({{StageName}}, “Needs Assessment”), “NA”, IF(CONTAINS({{StageName}}, “Value Proposition”), “VP”, IF(CONTAINS({{StageName}}, “Commitment”), “CM”, IF(CONTAINS({{StageName}}, “In Progress”), “IP”, IF(CONTAINS({{StageName}}, “On Hold”), “OH”, “none”)))))) FORMAT_DATE(“m/d/y”,{{LastActivityDate}}) FORMAT_DATE(“m/d/y”,{{CloseDate}}) Closed Lost Conversion row.created Closed Lost Conversion On Hold {{StartDateTime}} + (10006060) + (10006060) row.created row.updated RecordTypeId row.updated WhatId RepEvents_notCustomers RepEvents_notcompleted RepEvents_completed HP_Events_New models.saved RepEvents_notCustomers RepEvents_notcompleted RepEvents_completed models.saved Scheduled Rescheduled Canceled RepEvents_notCustomers RepEvents_notcompleted RepEvents_completed models.saved <condition type=“fieldvalue” value=“” enclosevalueinquotes

I have seen this bug before. I noticed something like this after the recent Salesforce1 app update where the name was changed to just “Salesforce.” Please make sure all your firmware is updated, including your salesforce app and the operating system. 

This will probably solve the issue. If your already fully updated let me know. 

Hi Matt, 

Updating, unfortunately, didn’t work and here are my current firmware details:

Salesforce v14.2 Build #3033639
iOS 11.1

I also tested this code in chrome in the inspection window and choosing various mobile devices. The same issue happens when flipping it to a mobile device. 

Resolved with a JacaScript snippet to hide the CSS menu at the end of each submenu selection. Bug reported by Skuid support.
