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I stumbled upon something interesting while setting up a new Action in Version 2 and was curious if this was intentional.

When trying to take a single row’s context and create 2 records in separate models, the second row creation inherits the context of the first.

Example. From a Contact Table an Action that on click created a row on the Contact_Team__c model and then creates a row on the OpportunityKeyContact model. You’d think that using {{Id}} for both would use the original model (Contact) Id for both. But in actuality once the Contact_Team__c row is created, the context being used to create the OpportunityKeyContact row is the Contact_Team__c row’s Id.

Was able to circumvent this by having the second part of the Action use {{Contact__c}} which does transfer the data correctly. Was just wondering whether Action framework establishes action context in order of row creation.

*If I set the Key Contact’s row creation to {{Id}} it doesn’t use the original model’s {{Id}}

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