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Hello -

When a reference field filter is marked to filter results based on value in another model and set to ‘Abort query’ if no data in source model, the condition is being ignored and all results are being returned.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create Contact ‘New’ page

  2. Add two models:

    a) AccountEmpty - Based on Account, contains Id & Name and is NOT marked to load data or create new

    b) AccountFull - Based on Account, contains Id & Name and is marked to load data with max records of 1

  3. Add AccountId to contact model

  4. Add Account field to Contact Field Editor setting filter to Account Id in AccountEmpty Id and abort if no data

  5. Add a second Account field to Contact Field Editor setting filter to Account Id in AccountFull Id

  6. Preview page

  7. Click magnifying glass on “AccountEmpty” field

Actual Result

All Accounts are returned

Expected Result

No records should be returned

  1. Click magnifying glass on “AccountFull” field

Actual Result = Expected Result

Only contacts from the account that was loaded are displayed

Sample Page XML

<skuidpage unsavedchangeswarning="yes" showsidebar="true" showheader="true" tabtooverride="Contact">   <models>
<model id="AccountEmpty" limit="" query="false" createrowifnonefound="false" sobject="Account" doclone="no" type="">
<field id="Id"/>
<field id="Name"/>
<model id="AccountFull" limit="1" query="true" createrowifnonefound="false" sobject="Account" doclone="no" type="">
<field id="Id"/>
<field id="Name"/>
<model id="Contact" limit="1" query="false" createrowifnonefound="true" sobject="Contact">
<field id="FirstName"/>
<field id="LastName"/>
<field id="AccountId"/>
<field id="Account.Name"/>
<field id="Account.Id"/>
<basicfieldeditor showsavecancel="false" showheader="true" model="Contact" mode="edit" buttonposition="" layout="">
<column width="100%">
<section title="Basics" collapsible="no">
<field id="AccountId" valuehalign="" type="">
<label>Account From Empty</label>
<filter type="modelmerge" operator="in" field="Id" value="" model="AccountEmpty" enclosevalueinquotes="true" mergefield="Id" novaluebehavior="noquery"/>
<field id="AccountId" valuehalign="" type="">
<label>Account From Full</label>
<filter type="modelmerge" operator="in" field="Id" value="" model="AccountFull" enclosevalueinquotes="true" mergefield="Id" novaluebehavior="noquery"/>
<renderconditions logictype="and" onhidedatabehavior="keep"/>

Thank you!

Thanks Barry.  This issue was reported last week.  I do appreciate the detailed error report though.  As we work the issue,  we will make sure your page works as expected. 

Thanks for the update Rob.  I somehow overlooked the previous post about this when searching (I found it this time), sorry about that.

Any idea on timing of the fix for this (e.g. patch release, summer release, etc.)?

This is not currently planned to be released in the upcoming release.  We will slate it for as soon as possible afterward… 


This is fixed in our next patch release (7.13, Banzai Update 2). Thanks for hanging in there with us!

Thanks J!  Skuid is well worth the “hang time”!

Tested and confirmed as resolved in Skuid 7.16.  Thank you!
