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Hi, I have a question regarding using queues. Right now I have a tabset that shifts between a few custom objects, and each of those tabs are using the standard queue search + detail. What I am trying to do is make it so the standard “view/edit” page for each of those objects actually links straight to this encompassing page to the correct tab for this object and then queue + detail instead of going straight to a detail page only for this object. Basically I am looking for a way for the redirect for an object to go straight to a specific tab + queue entry on a Skuid page. Is this possible in any way? Thanks!

Hi Vivo, I’m working on adding this functionality to the next “nightly” release of Skuid. I’ll give an example of how this works when it comes out. Hopefully in the next couple of days.

Hey Ben, That’s awesome ! 🙂 I look forward to it. -Vivo

Ok, We made some pretty big changes to the way queues work in our latest nightly release 2.48. Unfortunately, with this latest version, queues made in older beta versions will have to be deleted and rebuilt. To make queue more flexible, we now require you to add your queue to a panel set and then if you want to use a page include with your queue, you have to add that to a panel set as well. To link your queue to a particular page include, you have to give page include a unique id. Then in the queue properties, you tell the queue which panel set to use. With the new version, you can give a tab a unique id. This is found in the advanced properties of a tab. Once a tab has a unique id, it can be accessed directly by adding a hash to your url. For instance, if I had a tab in a tabset with a unique id of “awesome”, I could access that tab directly by adding #awesome on to the end of the url. Queues now have a property called “Default Item Parameter”. This can be found by selecting the queue, then the “Action” property group. Make sure the “Click Action Type” is set to “Update Page Include Panel” and then set the “Default Item Parameter” to “id”. This property will check the querystring for an id parameter, and if it exists, it will immediately load that id into the associated page include panel. Now to set up the object overrides, you have to create a new visualforce page for each object you want to override. An example for overriding the contact object would be as follows…

<apex:page action="{!redirect}&pagename=MyPage#contacts" extensions="Redirects" standardController="Contact"/> 

The #contacts part of the action property will automatically open the tab with the unique id of “contacts”. Since this is a view or edit override, skuid will also, add the id parameter to the querystring as well. Let me know if you have any questions.

I forgot to mention, the 2.48 version can be found at Get the Latest Skuid Releases & Everything That Came Before

Please let me know how do I add id parameter to the querystring.

I got the answer…In the URL I was using lowercase “id” instead of “Id”. Uppercase I solved the problem.