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I am having problems setting up a table filter, as it appears the SOQL that is being passed is incorrect.

I have a condition on a model call ‘Solution’ with the following:

FIELD Solution records where Issue_type__c
VALUE a blank value
STATE This condition, named Issue_type__c can be modified by filters, but is off by default.

Condition State - Filterable Default Off
Condition Name - Issue_type__c

I also have a Filter on the table with:

Filter Type - Select Option
Model Condition to Affect - Issue_type__c
The Filter Off label is called ‘All Categories’

Source: Picklist Options with Just the Default Condition set.

Here is the debug output when I try to use this filter:

“An error occurred while attempting to perform the following SOQL query:SELECT SolutionName,SolutionNumber,Jira__c,TimesUsed,SolutionNote,Issue_type__c,Id FROM Solution WHERE (Issue_type__c = Windows) LIMIT 101Error:expecting a colon, found ‘Windows’”

It appears there is no quotes around ‘Windows’ so the filters don’t work. So I can show ALL the solutions, or error out on my SOQL.

(I probably wrote too much information, and the SOQL error would have been sufficient, but I am a support engineer at heart)


We love deeply informative posts. You’ll get no grief from us on that front! Try this:

  1. Click the View/Edit XML link in the builder 

  2. Find that condition in your XML

  3. Look for an attribute named enclosevalueinquotes and make sure it equals true

If this turns out to be it, do you happen to remember if you changed anything about that particular condition while building it out, maybe the field?

That was exactly it, as it was set to false. The filter appears to be working. Here’s the only thing unique about this page that comes to mind:

  • I built this page a while back (month or two ago), and it’s been in use.

  • I just received a list of suggestions from my users so I started to make changes.

  • I added Issue_type__c to the model first, then to the table before deciding it’d look better to just filter on it.

  • I unchecked the option to remember the filter, and I followed the skuid tutorial (which mentions Field Metadata, not the picklist option it currently has).


Great! I’m glad that was it. Unfortunately, I can’t tell exactly how that got set to false from what we’ve got here, but at least you’ll know how to get around it if you run into the issue again. Thanks for being a part of our community.
