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I have a action button in contact.where i am using a visualforce page where i included my skuid page.I am using that button in my community .

my code is :

<apex:page standardController=“contact” showHeader=“false”

sidebar=“false” readonly=“true” docType=“html-5.0”>

<apex:variable value=“{!$}” var=“recordId”/>

<skuid:page page=“TestSkuid” id=“recordId”/>


the page is populating there .but its not capturing the id.

need help.

Thanks in advance

Skuid automatically, by default, makes all URL Parameters available within your Skuid Page. You don’t need to use Visualforce’s apex:variable/ to set this up, Skuid does this automatically. So let’s say your Action button sends someone to a Visualforce Page called “ContactAwesomeness”, with the final URL ending up something like this:


The “ContactAwesomeness” Visualforce Page can be as simple as this:

<apex:page standardController="Contact" showHeader="false" 
sidebar="false" readonly="true" docType="html-5.0">
<skuid:page page="TestSkuid"/>

And the “id” URL query string parameter will automatically be available within the “TestSkuid” page to Models, etc. as a “Page / URL Parameter”. So for instance if you want to have a Model in the TestSkuid page that queries for fields from the indicated Contact, you’d just have a single Condition in that Model on the “Id” field, with the Condition Source being “Page / URL Parameter” and Parameter Name being “id”. As in this tutorial:

Hi zach , Cant we  render skuid page direct in community ?my skuid version is  10.0.9 .
Please share information about it . Looking forward for your reply