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I have a popup with a table temple that works well on pages that are allowed to be in an iframe.

Is there any method to do this without iframes so I could get a pages that don’t like iframes? I want them to show in the popup.


It looks like you are trying to show City_Wiki_Formated__c depending on the value in the urlDecode field. If that’s true, does using # and / like explained in the Sections part of the Merge Syntax tutorial within a template resolve the issue for you? 


The question is how I can include a web page in  a template without iframes.  I used to use a tool called “Lino Web Modal” which still works but is no longer supported.  I could open any web page in a popup without iframes.  Newer web pages don’t allow the framing with Iframes.  There must be a way of showing a web page inside a template without iframes?


I hear it is possible using HTML 5 Web Components. Hope that helps you!


Do you have an example.