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I am new to Skuid and teaching myself the application with the tutorials. I’m in the process of creating a page called LeadQueue. My page consists of model “Lead”. It has a panel set with a queue on the left and a page include on the right. The Page include references another lead page with model “LeadData”. When I preview the LeadQueue page, the queue shows the records successfully on the left side of the panel set, but when i click into an individual record, the page include does not display on the right side. It just looks like it’s loading forever. No error message or anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Hey Hayden,

Check out this video walkthrough:

…if it doesn’t answer your question, let me know if it’s possible to take a screenshot of what you’ve got going on in your page builder.


HI Karl. I was relating the wrong id to the queue from the page include. Thanks for the help!