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I’m trying to soft launch a new Lead View page so want to use Page Assignments to give this new view to a few people at a time. I’m just trying to get it to work for a specific profile before going down the road of which profiles/users to give it to to beta. Here’s my VF page:

<apex:page standardController="Lead" extensions="skuid.Redirects" showHeader="true" sidebar="true" readonly="true" docType="html-5.0" action="{!IF(canUseSkuid,'',redirect)}" title="View {!Lead.Name}"> <skuid:page objectType="Lead" actionType="View" /> 


Here’s my page assignment:

What am I so obviously missing?


Have you assigned the above Visualforce page as the View override on the Lead object?

I tried that…and that works for the assigned profile, however all other profiles get the “you don’t have access to this visualforce page” error.

Make sure the permissions on the object on SF along with the contained fields are view-able or if you need the user to be able to edit the page (read write).

Can you double check that all profiles have access to that page? They’ll need access to it for the page assignments to work, even if they’re going to a standard Salesforce page


Aha! That did it! Thanks so much. I was losing my mind. Is this documented somewhere? I scoured the Page Assignment pages and didn’t see anything…I only saw examples of doing the Org Default (so everyone would get it). Anyway thanks again!

You’re welcome; I’m glad you got it sorted out! That detail about all profiles needing access to the Visualforce page is missing from our documentation, so I’ve told our docs team about it and they’re adding it.

