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Nintex Community Menu Bar

Strange things are happening. Check it out:

Thank you for posting a video. Extraordinarily helpful!

A quick question while I go and try to reproduce this error:
Does the button you sometimes see twice work for what it is titled for or is the title incorrect. Sometimes you see innovation twice, but is the second innovation working as setting? I’m wanting to see if it is just titling them wrong or if it is duplicating the same thing twice. 

Are you seeing this on every page or is it only this one nav menu? I haven’t been able to reproduce it on 9.5.14 

It’s one nav menu… but I only have one horizontal nav menu which is in our header (master page) and therefore is used on nearly all pages across all the orgs using our app.

It’s not just the title that is in the wrong place, it’s the entire menu.

Here’s the XML of our master page. Not sure if it will help since there are models on custom objects, etc.



{{Patient_Engagment_Model__c}}=="Advocate Assisted"

var params = argumentst0],
$ = skuid.$;

var params = argumentst0],
$ = skuid.$;

var params = argumentst0],
$ = skuid.$;

<cssitem location="staticresource" name="OptimizeJavascript" cachelocation="false" url="" namespace="" filepath="OptimizeCSS.css"/>


System Administrator
Executive Management

Medical Staff
Medical Manager
Patient Resources Director
Patient Resources Staff

Scheduling Staff
Scheduling Manager

Scheduling Staff
Scheduling Manager
System Administrator
Patient Resources Director
Patient Resources Staff
Medical Staff
Medical Manager

Medical Staff
Medical Manager
Patient Resources Director
Patient Resources Staff
System Administrator

Medical Staff
Medical Manager
System Administrator

<rendercondition type="multiple" operator="in" fieldmodel="CurrentUser" sourcetype="userinfo" nosourcerowbehavior="deactivate" sourceuserinfotype="pr

Hmm, looks like the XML is too long.

Try this:

That XML did replicate the behavior I see on your page.

Ok, thanks. Let me know when you have a fix identified.

i’m going to take down the xml from dropbox, since you have it already.

It looks like it is related to the Labels in the Nav Menu. If I delete those, and any custom CSS or Javascript (how I roll), then I see it working.

Labels? Are you suggesting that I delete all the labels in the nav component and use only icons?

I’m not suggesting you built it incorrectly. Labels should work there. But I am suggesting you could see if it works when you change it? I don’t think it’s the page include, the flex ratio, or some other problem. I’m hoping to narrow it down

Just making sure we’re on the same page. This is the problem?

If I remove all the labels, I have to make the screen very small to even need to begin wrapping?

No. I apologize. My bad. I was not remotely clear enough. I responded to this post too quickly. I need more research.

I have found that if I delete the buttons that are using {{mergeSyntax}} and if I delete Scripts [the nav button] because it’s the only one with an action on it, then the others are working. I’m still trying to narrow it down.

Ok, please let me know when you have a solution. We’re not able to use this excellent, space-saving feature until it works properly.

I have been unable to replicate the error on anything other than your page. Are you able to see this problem any where else? 

As I mentioned earlier, this is the only page we have with a  horizontal nav component in a header. In that sense, no.

We use the same page across multiple orgs, and in that sense, yes.

The XML link is no longer working for me. Would you mind putting the updated link in again?

Here you go.

Let me know when you have it saved somewhere so I can remove it from the internet.

I have saved it. You can remove it now. 

