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This is a fork of the issue at…

When an object contains more than the maximum amount of records permitted for display (currently ~10,000) and the user reaches the limit (but there is more data), there is no message/warning displayed to the user that the dataset has been “limited/truncated”.

From the referenced post, Ben mentioned that Task object does trigger this warning/message but scenarios that use standard set controllers do not appear to have this warning/message working properly.

Steps to reproduce
1) Put a lot of records in any object (e.g. hundred thousand or so)
2) Build a stock tab page for the object
3) Preview page
4) click load more multiple times until limit of ~10,000 is reached

Expected Behavior
Warning/Message to user that there is more data available but display limit has been reached.

Actual Behavior
Only ~10,000 records are available and NO indication that there is more data


Thanks for bringing this to our attention! The devs are aware of it and we’ll let you know when a fix is released.


Thanks Amy!
