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Hello all,

On an Account Detail page,  I have a related list table for Tasks which also includes a Button Set to add a New Task via Popup form.   Have been using this for a couple of months and working fine, except one caveat I have been trying to figure out for some time:

I have the “Related To” (whoid.type) condition set to Contact and that works great.   However, the reference field list shows all Contacts.   I am trying to limit that list to just the Contacts that belong to that Account.   I have tried a number of scenarios and combinations with the whoid, all with no luck. 

The user can obviously use the search box to bring up the Contact, but it would be great to have that list limited.  Tried searching community for the past couple of weeks and I am not seeing anything on this.

Has anyone out there tried to do this, is it even possible in Salesforce?



I just figured this out.   I used a filter property directly on the field set to (contact) Account.Id = (account) AccountId.   Awesome!

Hi Ann,

Have you tried using the “Filters” tab on the WhoId field? 

Hi Josef,  I cant believe I didn’t think of that all of this time I have been trying queries, models, conditions etc.   The Filters tab worked perfectly!  Thanks for your help

Hi Ann, thanks for closing the loop with the solution!