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Defect/Issue Description:

Form and table field movement is drunk


  • API Version: V2

  • Release: Edin … something

  • Release version: 16.0.3

  • Platform: Salesforce

Brief Summary of the Defect/Issue:

Fields get duplicated, fixed in place, among other things.

Action Performed:
Moved field.

Expected Result:
Not duplicated or fixed in position any fields. Just move to new position when drag and drop is performed.

Actual Result:
Duplicated and fixed in position fields.

Additional Resources:
Try and you’ll see. 😃

Hey Pat, thanks for reporting this. Are you saying that this happens any time you move a field in a Form or a Table? or just sometimes?

If it’s just sometimes, can you see if you can narrow down when it’s more likely to happen? If so please send a repro page to help our team address it as soon as possible.

I think I’ve seen this as well so I’ll also be on the lookout.




<skuid__page unsavedchangeswarning="yes" personalizationmode="server" showsidebar="false" showheader="false">
<model id="Account" limit="1" query="true" createrowifnonefound="false" datasource="salesforce" sobject="Account">
<field id="Description"/>
<field id="Fax"/>
<field id="Id"/>
<field id="Name"/>
<field id="AccountNumber"/>
<field id="Phone"/>
<field id="Rating"/>
<field id="Site"/>
<field id="AccountSource"/>
<field id="Type"/>
<field id="AnnualRevenue"/>
<field id="BillingAddress"/>
<field id="BillingCity"/>
<field id="BillingCountry"/>
<field id="BillingGeocodeAccuracy"/>
<field id="BillingLatitude"/>
<field id="BillingLongitude"/>
<field id="BillingState"/>
<field id="BillingStreet"/>
<model id="Accounts" limit="10" query="true" createrowifnonefound="false" datasource="salesforce" sobject="Account">
<field id="Description"/>
<field id="Fax"/>
<field id="Id"/>
<field id="Name"/>
<field id="AccountNumber"/>
<field id="Phone"/>
<field id="Rating"/>
<field id="Site"/>
<field id="AccountSource"/>
<field id="Type"/>
<field id="AnnualRevenue"/>
<field id="BillingAddress"/>
<field id="BillingCity"/>
<field id="BillingCountry"/>
<field id="BillingGeocodeAccuracy"/>
<field id="BillingLatitude"/>
<field id="BillingLongitude"/>
<field id="BillingState"/>
<field id="BillingStreet"/>
<skuid__form showErrorsInline="true" model="Account" uniqueid="sk-3_kS-36196" mode="read">
<section title="New Section" showHeading="false">
<skuid__field id="Description" uniqueId="sk-3_kS-36197"/>
<skuid__field id="Fax" uniqueId="sk-3_kS-36198"/>
<skuid__field id="Id" uniqueId="sk-3_kS-36199"/>
<skuid__field id="Name" uniqueId="sk-3_kS-36200"/>
<skuid__field id="AccountNumber" uniqueId="sk-3_kS-36201"/>
<skuid__field id="Phone" uniqueId="sk-3_kS-36202"/>
<skuid__field id="Rating" uniqueId="sk-3_kS-36203"/>
<skuid__field id="Site" uniqueId="sk-3_kS-36204"/>
<skuid__field id="AccountSource" uniqueId="sk-3_kS-36205"/>
<skuid__field id="Type" uniqueId="sk-3_kS-36206"/>
<skuid__field id="AnnualRevenue" uniqueId="sk-3_kS-36207"/>
<skuid__field id="BillingAddress" uniqueId="sk-3_kS-36208"/>
<skuid__field id="BillingCity" uniqueId="sk-3_kS-36209"/>
<skuid__field id="BillingCountry" uniqueId="sk-3_kS-36210"/>
<skuid__field id="BillingGeocodeAccuracy" uniqueId="sk-3_kS-36211"/>
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<skuid__field id="BillingLongitude" uniqueId="sk-3_kS-36213"/>
<skuid__field id="BillingState" uniqueId="sk-3_kS-36214"/>
<skuid__field id="BillingStreet" uniqueId="sk-3_kS-36215"/>
<skuid__table allowColumnFreezing="dragDrop" model="Accounts" uniqueid="sk-3_kS-38586" mode="read" showSaveCancel="true">
<field id="Description" uniqueid="fi-3_kS-40023"/>
<field id="Fax" uniqueid="fi-3_kS-40024"/>
<field id="Id" uniqueid="fi-3_kS-40025"/>
<field id="Name" uniqueid="fi-3_kS-40026"/>
<field id="AccountNumber" uniqueid="fi-3_kS-40027"/>
<field id="Phone" uniqueid="fi-3_kS-40028"/>
<field id="Rating" uniqueid="fi-3_kS-40029"/>
<field id="Site" uniqueid="fi-3_kS-40030"/>
<field id="AccountSource" uniqueid="fi-3_kS-40031"/>
<field id="Type" uniqueid="fi-3_kS-40032"/>
<field id="AnnualRevenue" horizontalAlignment="right" uniqueid="fi-3_kS-40033"/>
<field id="BillingAddress" uniqueid="fi-3_kS-40034"/>
<field id="BillingCity" uniqueid="fi-3_kS-40035"/>
<field id="BillingCountry" uniqueid="fi-3_kS-40036"/>
<field id="BillingGeocodeAccuracy" uniqueid="fi-3_kS-40037"/>
<field id="BillingLatitude" horizontalAlignment="right" uniqueid="fi-3_kS-40038"/>
<field id="BillingLongitude" horizontalAlignment="right" uniqueid="fi-3_kS-40039"/>
<field id="BillingState" uniqueid="fi-3_kS-40040"/>
<field id="BillingStreet" uniqueid="fi-3_kS-40041"/>
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<exportProperties useTableColumns="true"/>
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Thanks for that page & video, Pat. I was able to reproduce the issue on a simpler page (just a few fields) and sent the issue along to our product team.

Good news! This issue (CORE-4655) was fixed as of Edinburgh Update 1 (16.1.5). Also included in Dubai Update 3 (15.3.19).

Check out to install latest version of Skuid. Remember to test new versions of Skuid in sandbox first before upgrading production. Instructions can be found in the docs: Upgrade Skuid SFX

Thanks again for reporting this issue!

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